980-819-4672 fax

100 North Main Street
Suite 150
Belmont, NC 28012


Landmark MD Monthly Membership Fees
**Effective January 1, 2023 for all new patients and April 1, 2023 for existing patients**
Member Age Primary Member Spouse/Partner *Dependent 1 Dependent 2 Dependent 3 Family Maximum
40 and over $85 $85 $30 Free Free $200/Month
(3 dependent maximum; additional dependents are $25/month
Under 40 $70 $70 $30 $10 Free $180/Month
(3 dependent maximum, additional dependents are $25/month)
*Dependent individuals under age 26 will receive the discounted rate with a paid parent membership*
**All new patients have a minimum membership term of 3 months payable at the first visit. Membership may be cancelled any time after 90 days with no penalty. There may be a reinstatement fee for patients who cancel their membership and wish to renew.**
Annual Prepayment Discount:
Memberships that are billed annually are eligible for one free month of service (12 months for the price of 11) .